I’ve researched the Web looking for
some of the legendary hardware
hacks that I’ve heard about. After col-
lecting the material for these hacks in
cooperation with the original develop-
ers, I tried to organize the informa-
tion in a way that will help you do
the hack yourself. At the beginning
of each chapter, I acknowledge work
and materials provided by other
Over the years I have continued to build new and fun toys for personal
enjoyment. More than half the fun is getting my hands dirty at a bench.
I’ve also come across a number of other projects that I consider fun and
interesting. This book contains an eclectic mix of my own hacks as well as
improvements upon other hacks that intrigued me. Although some of the
projects may not seem practical at first glance, the knowledge gained by
building each project can easily be applied to your own projects. The core
equipment from each project can easily be adapted for other uses.
If you have no background in electronics, you may want to first read through
Part I, Basic Hacks, Tools, and Techniques. It will help you become familiar
with the tools of the trade and some basic soldering techniques, which are
core to many of the hacks in the chapters that follow. I also present a list
of basic tools required for most projects. If you dont have a hacking bench
set up already, you should review the list of basic tools and begin gathering
these items.
Goals of This Book
This book is your guide to the world of hardware hacking. The goal of this
book is to allow people with no formal electronics- or hardware-engineer-
ing skills to hack real hardware. Various pieces of consumer electronic
equipment can be modified according to the instructions in this book to do
things they were never intended to do. Each chapter includes step-by-step
instructions that will allow even a novice hacker to successfully construct
that project. At the conclusion of each chapter is a “Bill of Materials” sec-
tion for the project it covers, including verified suppliers; where appropriate,
there are also photographs and diagrams of each step in construction.
Today, almost every appliance we use has some electronics inside of it. After
reading this book and trying a few of the hacks, take a look around you and
see which of your appliances or electronic gadgets needs “upgrading.
It is my hope that this book will inspire you to become a hacker, and will
serve as a jumping-off point for new and clever hacks.
Audience for This Book
This book is intended for several audiences:
Electronics hobbyists interested in getting their hands dirty and learn-
ing by doing.
Software hackers who want to see what its like to handle and modify
hardware. Many of the projects include interfaces to standalone or net-
worked computers. Once the hardware is built, there is ample opportu-
nity to expand on the simple software projects covered in this book.
Goals of This Book
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