Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python

Book description


Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python
  3. Dedication
  4. Packt Upsell
    1. Why subscribe?
    2. PacktPub.com
  5. Foreword
  6. Contributors
    1. About the authors
    2. About the reviewer
    3. Packt is searching for authors like you
  7. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
    3. To get the most out of this book
      1. Download the example code files
      2. Download the color images
      3. Conventions used
    4. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  8. Machine Learning Fundamentals
    1. Why ML?
      1. Formal definition
      2. Shallow and deep learning
    2. ML techniques
      1. Supervised learning
        1. Classification
        2. Regression
      2. Unsupervised learning
        1. Clustering
        2. Dimensionality reduction
        3. Association rule mining
        4. Anomaly detection
    3. CRISP-DM
      1. Business understanding
      2. Data understanding
      3. Data preparation
      4. Modeling
      5. Evaluation
      6. Deployment
    4. Standard ML workflow
      1. Data retrieval
      2. Data preparation
        1. Exploratory data analysis
        2. Data processing and wrangling
        3. Feature engineering and extraction
        4. Feature scaling and selection
      3. Modeling
      4. Model evaluation and tuning
        1. Model evaluation
        2. Bias variance trade-off
          1. Bias
          2. Variance
          3. Trade-off
          4. Underfitting
          5. Overfitting
          6. Generalization
        3. Model tuning
      5. Deployment and monitoring
    5. Exploratory data analysis
    6. Feature extraction and engineering
      1. Feature engineering strategies
        1. Working with numerical data
        2. Working with categorical data
        3. Working with image data
          1. Deep learning based automated feature extraction
        4. Working with text data
          1. Text preprocessing
          2. Feature engineering
    7. Feature selection
    8. Summary
  9. Deep Learning Essentials
    1. What is deep learning?
    2. Deep learning frameworks
    3. Setting up a cloud-based deep learning environment with GPU support
      1. Choosing a cloud provider
      2. Setting up your virtual server
      3. Configuring your virtual server
      4. Installing and updating deep learning dependencies
      5. Accessing your deep learning cloud environment
      6. Validating GPU-enablement on your deep learning environment
    4. Setting up a robust, on-premise deep learning environment with GPU support
    5. Neural network basics
      1. A simple linear neuron
      2. Gradient-based optimization
      3. The Jacobian and Hessian matrices
      4. Chain rule of derivatives
      5. Stochastic Gradient Descent
      6. Non-linear neural units
      7. Learning a simple non-linear unit – logistic unit
      8. Loss functions
      9. Data representations
        1. Tensor examples
        2. Tensor operations
      10. Multilayered neural networks
      11. Backprop – training deep neural networks
      12. Challenges in neural network learning
        1. Ill-conditioning
        2. Local minima and saddle points
        3. Cliffs and exploding gradients
        4. Initialization – bad correspondence between the local and global structure of the objective
        5. Inexact gradients
      13. Initialization of model parameters
        1. Initialization heuristics
      14. Improvements of SGD
        1. The momentum method
        2. Nesterov momentum
        3. Adaptive learning rate – separate for each connection
          1. AdaGrad
          2. RMSprop
          3. Adam
      15. Overfitting and underfitting in neural networks
        1. Model capacity
        2. How to avoid overfitting – regularization
          1. Weight-sharing
          2. Weight-decay
          3. Early stopping
          4. Dropout
          5. Batch normalization
          6. Do we need more data?
      16. Hyperparameters of the neural network
        1. Automatic hyperparameter tuning
          1. Grid search
    6. Summary
  10. Understanding Deep Learning Architectures
    1. Neural network architecture
      1. Why different architectures are needed
    2. Various architectures
      1. MLPs and deep neural networks
      2. Autoencoder neural networks
      3. Variational autoencoders
      4. Generative Adversarial Networks
        1. Text-to-image synthesis using the GAN architecture
      5. CNNs
        1. The convolution operator
        2. Stride and padding mode in convolution
        3. The convolution layer
        4. LeNet architecture
        5. AlexNet
        6. ZFNet
        7. GoogLeNet (inception network)
        8. VGG
        9. Residual Neural Networks
      6. Capsule networks
      7. Recurrent neural networks
        1. LSTMs
        2. Stacked LSTMs
        3. Encoder-decoder – Neural Machine Translation
        4. Gated Recurrent Units
      8. Memory Neural Networks
        1. MemN2Ns
      9. Neural Turing Machine
        1. Selective attention
        2. Read operation
        3. Write operation
      10. The attention-based neural network model
    3. Summary
  11. Transfer Learning Fundamentals
    1. Introduction to transfer learning
      1. Advantages of transfer learning
    2. Transfer learning strategies
    3. Transfer learning and deep learning
      1. Transfer learning methodologies
        1. Feature-extraction
        2. Fine-tuning
      2. Pretrained models
      3. Applications
    4. Deep transfer learning types
      1. Domain adaptation
      2. Domain confusion
      3. Multitask learning
      4. One-shot learning
      5. Zero-shot learning
    5. Challenges of transfer learning
      1. Negative transfer
      2. Transfer bounds
    6. Summary
  12. Unleashing the Power of Transfer Learning
    1. The need for transfer learning
      1. Formulating our real-world problem
      2. Building our dataset
      3. Formulating our approach
    2. Building CNN models from scratch
      1. Basic CNN model
      2. CNN model with regularization
      3. CNN model with image augmentation
    3. Leveraging transfer learning with pretrained CNN models
      1. Understanding the VGG-16 model
      2. Pretrained CNN model as a feature extractor
      3. Pretrained CNN model as a feature extractor with image augmentation
      4. Pretrained CNN model with fine-tuning and image augmentation
    4. Evaluating our deep learning models
      1. Model predictions on a sample test image
      2. Visualizing what a CNN model perceives
      3. Evaluation model performance on test data
    5. Summary
  13. Image Recognition and Classification
    1. Deep learning-based image classification
    2. Benchmarking datasets
    3. State-of-the-art deep image classification models
    4. Image classification and transfer learning
      1. CIFAR-10
        1. Building an image classifier
        2. Transferring knowledge
      2. Dog Breed Identification dataset
        1. Exploratory analysis
        2. Data preparation
        3. Dog classifier using transfer learning
    5. Summary
  14. Text Document Categorization
    1. Text categorization
      1. Traditional text categorization
      2. Shortcomings of BoW models
      3. Benchmark datasets
    2. Word representations
      1. Word2vec model
      2. Word2vec using gensim
      3. GloVe model
    3. CNN document model
      1. Building a review sentiment classifier
      2. What has embedding changed most?
      3. Transfer learning – application to the IMDB dataset
      4. Training on the full IMDB dataset with Word2vec embeddings
      5. Creating document summaries with CNN model
      6. Multiclass classification with the CNN model
      7. Visualizing document embeddings
    4. Summary
  15. Audio Event Identification and Classification
    1. Understanding audio event classification
      1. Formulating our real-world problem
    2. Exploratory analysis of audio events
    3. Feature engineering and representation of audio events
    4. Audio event classification with transfer learning
      1. Building datasets from base features
      2. Transfer learning for feature extraction
      3. Building the classification model
      4. Evaluating the classifier performance
    5. Building a deep learning audio event identifier
    6. Summary
  16. DeepDream
    1. Introduction
      1. Algorithmic pareidolia in computer vision
      2. Visualizing feature maps
    2. DeepDream
      1. Examples
    3. Summary
  17. Style Transfer
    1. Understanding neural style transfer
    2. Image preprocessing methodology
    3. Building loss functions
      1. Content loss
      2. Style loss
      3. Total variation loss
      4. Overall loss function
    4. Constructing a custom optimizer
    5. Style transfer in action
    6. Summary
  18. Automated Image Caption Generator
    1. Understanding image captioning
    2. Formulating our objective
    3. Understanding the data
    4. Approach to automated image captioning
      1. Conceptual approach
      2. Practical hands-on approach
        1. Image feature extractor – DCNN model with transfer learning
        2. Text caption generator – sequence-based language model with LSTM
        3. Encoder-decoder model
    5. Image feature extraction with transfer learning
    6. Building a vocabulary for our captions
    7. Building an image caption dataset generator
    8. Building our image language encoder-decoder deep learning model
    9. Training our image captioning deep learning model
    10. Evaluating our image captioning deep learning model
      1. Loading up data and models
      2. Understanding greedy and beam search
      3. Implementing a beam search-based caption generator
      4. Understanding and implementing BLEU scoring
      5. Evaluating model performance on test data
    11. Automated image captioning in action!
      1. Captioning sample images from outdoor scenes
      2. Captioning sample images from popular sports
      3. Future scope for improvement
    12. Summary
  19. Image Colorization
    1. Problem statement
    2. Color images
      1. Color theory
      2. Color models and color spaces
        1. RGB
        2. YUV
        3. LAB
      3. Problem statement revisited
    3. Building a coloring deep neural network
      1. Preprocessing
        1. Standardization
      2. Loss function
      3. Encoder
      4. Transfer learning – feature extraction
      5. Fusion layer
      6. Decoder
      7. Postprocessing
      8. Training and results
    4. Challenges
    5. Further improvements
    6. Summary
  20. Other Books You May Enjoy
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Product information

  • Title: Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python
  • Author(s):
  • Release date:
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: None