Hacking attempt 1

Well, well, wasn't that discussion on setuid root interesting! For you, the reader, who's thinking like a hacker (good for you!), why not do this to gain the ultimate prize, a root shell!

  • Write a C program to spawn a shell (the system(3) library API makes this trivial); we call the code rootsh_hack1.c. We want a root shell as the outcome!
  • Compile it, get a.out. If we run a.out now, no big deal; we'll get a shell with the same privileges that we already have. So instead try this:
    • Change permissions with chmod(1) to set the setuid bit.
    • Change ownership with chown(1) of a.out to root.
    • Run it: we should now get a root shell.

Wow! Let's try this out!

The code is simple (we don't show the header inclusion here):

$ cat rootsh_hack1.c ...

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