Public subnet

Let's have a look at creating the public subnet. The following code block shows the mechanism:

    letsPollPublicSubnet:      Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet      Properties:        VpcId:          Ref: letsPollVPC        AvailabilityZone: ${self:provider.region}a        CidrBlock:        MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true        Tags:            - Key: Name              Value: Lets Poll VPC Public Subnet 1

A few things to note about the code:

  • We specify the VPC for this subnet by using the Ref function as before.
  • We allocate a CidrBlock for it.
  • We specify the availability zones for this subnet.
  • We set MapPublicIpOnLaunch to be true. This will ensure that any resource launched in this subnet will have a public IP and hence internet access.
  • We specify the tags for easy handling.

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