Private subnet

Let's provision/create two private subnets for High Availability of Lambda, the Lambda functions are as recommended:

     letsPollPrivateSubnet1:       Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet       Properties:         VpcId:            Ref: letsPollVPC         CidrBlock:         AvailabilityZone: ${self:provider.region}a         MapPublicIpOnLaunch: false         Tags:             - Key: Name               Value: Lets Poll VPC Private Subnet 1  letsPollPrivateSubnet2:       Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet       Properties:         VpcId:            Ref: letsPollVPC         CidrBlock:         AvailabilityZone: ${self:provider.region}b         MapPublicIpOnLaunch: false         Tags:             - Key: Name               Value: Lets Poll VPC Private Subnet 2

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