Configuration file

Once the model file is set up, we need to provide the configuration file in the same trainer folder so that ML engine knows the parameters that need to be tuned, as well as the typical min and max values of the parameter.

We create the configuration file as follows in the trainer folder:

vim hptune.yaml

The following code is inserted into the preceding file:

trainingInput:  pythonVersion: "3.5"  scaleTier: CUSTOM  masterType: standard_gpu  hyperparameters:    goal: MAXIMIZE    hyperparameterMetricTag: accuracy    maxTrials: 10    maxParallelTrials: 1    params:      - parameterName: num-steps        type: INTEGER        minValue: 200        maxValue: 10000        scaleType: UNIT_LINEAR_SCALE      - parameterName: lr        type: DOUBLE        minValue: 0.001        maxValue: 0.1 scaleType: UNIT_LOG_SCALE ...

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