
Let's first define a list of configuration parameters for the environment using a dictionary, shown as follows:

# Default environment configurationENV_CONFIG = {    "enable_planner": True,    "use_depth_camera": False,    "discrete_actions": True,    "server_map": "/Game/Maps/" + city,    "scenarios": [scenario_config["Lane_Keep_Town2"]],    "framestack": 2, # note: only [1, 2] currently supported    "early_terminate_on_collision": True,    "verbose": False,    "render_x_res": 800,    "render_y_res": 600,    "x_res": 80,    "y_res": 80}

scenario_config defines several parameters that are useful for creating a variety of driving scenarios. The scenario configuration is described in the scenarios.json file, which can be found in the book's code repository at ch7/carla-gym/carla_gym ...

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