Recording a camera video to file

After we have learned how to capture a still image from our camera, let's proceed to learn how to record videos as well. First, open mainwindow.h and add the following variables:

   Ui::MainWindow *ui; 
   QCamera* camera; 
   QCameraViewfinder* viewfinder; 
   QCameraImageCapture* imageCapture; 
   QMediaRecorder* recorder; 
   bool connected; 
   bool recording; 

Next, open mainwindow.ui again and right-click on the Record button. Choose Go to slot... from the menu and select the clicked() option, then, click the OK button. A slot function will be created for you; then proceed to add the following code into the slot function:

void MainWindow::on_recordButton_clicked() { if (connected) { if (!recording) { recorder = new QMediaRecorder(camera); ...

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