
In JavaScript ES6, classes support different types of members, such as methods and properties. TypeScript enriches that by bringing fields, read-only fields, and static members. Consider the following example:

class SumCalculator {    static readonly supportedOperand = Operand.Sum;    private _history: Calculable[] = [];    get history() { return this._history; }    set history(value: Calculable[]) {        this._history = value || [];    }              constructor(private readonly logPrefix: string) { }    logHistory() {        console.log(            `${this.logPrefix}: current history length: ${this.history.length}`);    }}console.log(SumCalculator.supportedOperand);const calc = new SumCalculator(‘MyApp');calc.history = [{left: 2, right: 3}];calc.logHistory();

In the preceding code, you ...

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