Category menu items query

You are now ready to add the horizontal menu and query for the categories list:

  1. Add the HTML in bold to index.html:
<div class="app-main">  <div>    <ul id="menu"></ul>  </div></div>
  1. Create a file named app.js, then implement a categories query and execute it when the app loads:
const templatesCache = {};function render(props) {  return function(tok, i) { return (i % 2) ? props[tok] : tok; };}// a basic templating approach that uses regex for formatting specified props into the relevant placeholders in the templatefunction renderTemplate(templateName, props) {  let template = templatesCache[templateName];  if (!template) {    // reserve templates in cache for future quicker access template = $(`script[data-template="${templateName}"]`).text() ...

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