Installation over Red Hat KVM

You need to convert the downloaded OVA image to QCOW2 format, which is supported by KVM. Follow these steps to convert one format into another. We will need a special utility called qemu-img available inside the qemu-utils package:

  1. Untar the downloaded OVA to extract the VMDK file (the HDD of the image):
tar -xvf EVE\ Community\ Edition.ova
EVE Community Edition.ovf
EVE Community Edition.vmdk
  1. Install the qemu-utils tools:
sudo apt-get install qemu-utils
  1. Now, convert the VMDK to QCOW2. It may take a few minutes for the conversion to be complete:
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 EVE\ Community\ Edition.vmdk eve-ng.qcow

Finally, we have our own qcow2 file ready to be hosted inside the Red Hat KVM. Open the KVM console ...

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