SQL Server dataset

We're going to copy some data from our on-premise SQL Server. To create the dataset, we need to create a structure in SQL Server that will be available in ADF. In our case, we'll use an SQL view.

Here is the view code. Execute it on your local SQL Server in SSMS; we'll use it later in the dataset:

CREATE SCHEMA ADFV2Book; GO CREATE VIEW ADFV2Book.Sales AS SELECT dt.Date, Cust.Customer, Sales.Package, Sales.Description, SUM(Sales.Quantity) AS Quantity, SUM(Sales.[Unit Price]) AS [Unit Price], AVG(Sales.[Tax Rate]) AS [Tax Rate], SUM(Sales.[Total Excluding Tax]) AS [Total Excluding Tax], AVG(Sales.[Tax Amount]) AS [Tax Amount], AVG(Sales.Profit) AS Profit, SUM(Sales.[Total Including Tax]) AS [Total Including Tax] FROM Fact.Sale ...

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