Formats of Jupyter Notebook

In this section, we discuss the backbone of issues related to Jupyter Notebook's formats.

For more information associated with the formats for Jupyter Notebook, you will find a useful link here: First, let's look at one of the simplest notebooks, Custom Widget – Spreadsheet.ipynb. It has just five lines, shown here:

 "cells": [], 
 "metadata": {}, 
 "nbformat": 4, 
 "nbformat_minor": 0 

The whole notebook code is included in a pair of curly brackets. At the highest level, a Jupyter notebook is a dictionary with the following few keys:

  • metadata (dict)
  • nbformat (int)
  • nbformat_minor (int)
  • cells (list)

In the previous example code block, both the cells and metadata are empty. ...

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