Introduction to R packages – Rmixmod

This R package is for supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised classification with MIXture MODelling (interface of MIXMOD software). First, let's look at a dataset called birds:

> library(Rmixmod) 
> data(birds)> head(birds) 
  gender         eyebrow collar sub-caudal border 
1   male poor pronounced dotted      white    few 
2 female            none dotted      black   none 
3 female      pronounced   none      white   none 
4   male      pronounced dotted      white   none 
5   male      pronounced dotted      white   none 
6   male      pronounced dotted      white   none 
> dim(birds) 
[1] 69  5 

From the previous output, we know that there are 69 observations with 5 characteristics. The following example code is designed to plot bars based on eyebrow and collar:

x <- mixmodCluster(birds,2) bb<-barplotCluster ...

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