Example properties file

I have added a sample properties file that has client secret information and authentication secret information. This is necessary for the given environment to run properly but should not be checked into source control, it is here for demonstration purposes only:

API_URL=http://localhost:8080PORT=8080AUTH_ZERO_CLIENT_ID=fakeClientIdAUTH_ZERO_JWT_TOKEN=someFakeToken.FakedToken.FakedAUTH_ZERO_URL=https://fake-api.comREDIS_PORT=redis:6379SEND_EMAILS=trueSMTP_SERVER=fakeamazoninstance.us-east-1.amazonaws.comSMTP_USERNAME=fakeUsernameSMTP_PASSWORD=fakePasswordSMTP_PORT=587TOKEN_SECRET="A fake token secret"
The TOKEN_SECRET environment variable is only seen once, so if it is lost, then you must regenerate it in the API portal. ...

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