A conceptual view of hopper

Before we dig into the implementation, let's walk through how the previous example works at a conceptual level. We have enough in-memory space for 10 u32s. If the writer thread is much faster than the reader thread—or gets more scheduled time—we could end up with a situation like this:

write: 99

in-memory-buffer: [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]
disk-buffer: [87, 88, 89]

That is, a write of 99 is entering the system when the in-memory buffer is totally full and there are three queued writes in the diskbuffer. While it is possible for the state of the world to shift between the time a write enters the system for queuing and between the time it is queued, let's assume that no receivers pull items between queuing. ...

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