Reusing the MNIST architecture

We have already tried running the simplest neural network consisting of a layer and an activation function. Let's see how a more complicated network will perform. We will use the network that has shown a very good performance on the MNIST dataset to see if it performs the same on CIFAR-10. Consider the following code:

arch = @mx.chain mx.Variable(:data) =>  mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=128) =>  mx.Activation(act_type=:relu) =>  mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=64) =>  mx.Activation(act_type=:relu) =>  mx.FullyConnected(num_hidden=10) =>  mx.Activation(act_type=:relu) =>  mx.SoftmaxOutput(mx.Variable(:label))nnet = mx.FeedForward(arch, context = mx.cpu()), mx.ADAM(), train_data_provider, eval_data = validation_data_provider, ...

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