Updating an application

Updating an application in AKS requires two things:

  • Publishing a new image to Azure Container Registry
  • Setting a new image as the actual one in AKS

When you make changes in your application, you need two commands to update it in a registry. First, change its version to a new one:

docker tag handsonazurehello {ACR_LOGIN_SERVER}/handsonazurehello:v2

Now what you need is to push this version to make it available in the cloud:

docker push{ACR_LOGIN_SERVER}/handsonazurehello:v2

The final step to tell Kubernetes to update an image:

kubectl set image deployment handsonazurehello handsonazurehello={ACR_LOGIN_SERVER}/handsonazurehello:v2
To ensure that your application is fully functional while updating, you have to scale ...

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