Input/output bindings

Some bindings are bi-directional, while some can be used only one way. What's more, not every binding can be used as a trigger. An example of both bi-directional and trigger binding is Azure Blob Storage. Here, you can find an example of how it works as a trigger:

[FunctionName("BlobTriggerCSharp")] public static void Run([BlobTrigger("my-blobs/{name}")] Stream myBlob, string name, TraceWriter log){}

Compare it with an example of a function triggered by a queue, but accepting blob as input:

[FunctionName("BlobInput")]public static void BlobInput(  [QueueTrigger("myqueue-items")] string myQueueItem,  [Blob("samples-workitems/{queueTrigger}", FileAccess.Read)] Stream myBlob,  TraceWriter log){}

As you can see, I used ...

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