
Shape Smoothing and PDEs

Frédéric Guichard,     DOLabs, France

Lionel Moisan,     MAP5-Université René Descartes, France

Jean-Michel Morel,     CMLA-ENS Cachan, France

1 Principles for Shape Smoothing.

1.1 Shape Scale Spaces

1.2 Five Principles

2 Algorithm 1: Dynamic Shape.

2.1 Description

2.2 Implementation

2.3 Properties

3 Algorithm 2: Iterated Weighted Median Filter.

3.1 Description

3.2 Implementation

3.3 Link with Image Partial Differential Equations

3.4 Properties

4 Algorithm 3: Heat Equation on Curves.

4.1 Description

4.2 Implementation

4.3 Properties

5 Algorithm 4: Renormalized Heat Equation on Curves.

5.1 Description

5.2 Implementation

5.3 Properties

6 Algorithm 5: Iterated Affine Erosion.

6.1 Description

6.2  ...

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