Chapter 16

Stripping and Cleaning for Advanced Photolithography Applications

John A. Marsella1, Dana L. Durham2, and Leslie D. Molnar3

1Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA

2Nanobiz LLC, Branchburg, New Jersey, USA

3Bronkhorst USA Inc., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA


This chapter discusses the processes and chemistry related to photoresist stripping and cleaning. Suppliers of these products are increasingly challenged to adapt to the new demands introduced by advanced integrated circuit designs and by increasingly difficult business conditions. Meeting these demands requires attention to cost, materials compatibility issues, and concerns about toxicity and environmental persistence of chemicals used in manufacturing. Maintaining a specialty mind-set in a commodities environment will be a continuing challenge in the industry. The specialized requirements of formulating products to address the multitude of new materials used for advanced chip manufacturing will severely test the “specialty” vs. “commodity” paradox, and stripper suppliers will increasingly face challenges that have already impacted other segments of the wet chemical supply chain.

Keywords: high dose implant stripping, high-κ metal gate stripping, advanced low-κ stripping, photoresist removers, solvents, pattern collapse, surface wetting

16.1 Introduction to Advance Stripping Applications

As with all operations dealing with current semiconductor manufacturing, the processes and chemistry ...

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