4.1 Free variable systems

The free variable sequent calculus adopts the structural LK rules in figure 1 with the proviso that the rules now operate on labelled formulae. Contraction hence looks like this:

Γ , A [ p ] , A [ p ] Δ Γ , A [ p ] Δ L C Γ A [ p ] , A [ p ] , Δ Γ A [ p ] , Δ R C


The logical rules are given in figure 6. Recall that the symbol p ranges over labels, which means that it can be either ε or a prefix term or a sequence of prefix terms. The inferences of type R⊃ and R¬ are parameter–labelled. Instances of L⊃ and L-¬ are variable–labelled. If r is one of the parameter–labelled ...

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