In Chapter Five, Rich Handley talks about the importance of drag or balance in the EQ-i® profile. A person with high Assertiveness needs relatively high Empathy to help prevent the person from being aggressive. Howard Book in Chapter Four talks about leadership derailment—when certain subscales are overused and become a liability rather than an asset.

Table 12.4. MSCEIT® and EQ-i® Goodness of Fit Means and Ranges
 Sample SizeMeanMinimumMaximumStandard Deviation
MSCEIT (Branch)54212.01.633.05.6
MSCEIT (Task)54213.
© 2008 Henry L. Thompson, Ph.D. Reproduced with permission.

In my work I use the term Goodness of Fit to indicate how "balanced" a person's ESI subscales are in relation to ...

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