

AbstractAvroEventSerializer class, File Formats
access control lists (ACLs), An example, ACLs
accumulators, Accumulators
ACLs (access control lists), An example, ACLs
action nodes, Apache Oozie, Defining an Oozie workflow
actions, RDD, Transformations and Actions
ADAM platform, ADAM, A Scalable Genome Analysis PlatformA simple example: k-mer counting using Spark and ADAM
ADMIN permission (ACL), ACLs
administration (see system administration)
agents (Flume)
about, Flume
distribution process, Distribution: Agent TiersDelivery Guarantees
example of, An ExampleAn Example
HDFS sinks and, The HDFS Sink
Aggregate class, Crunch Libraries
aggregating data in Hive tables, Sorting and Aggregating
Aggregator interface, An Example
Aggregators class, An Example, combineValues()
aliases, defining, A Filter UDF
ALTER TABLE statement (Hive), Partitions, Altering Tables
Amazon Web Services, Data!, A Brief History of Apache Hadoop
Ant build tool, Setting Up the Development Environment, Packaging a Job
Apache Avro (see Avro)
Apache Commons Logging API, Hadoop Logs
Apache Crunch (see Crunch)
Apache Curator project, More Distributed Data Structures and Protocols
Apache Flume (see Flume)
Apache Mesos, Executors and Cluster Managers
Apache Oozie
about, Apache Oozie
defining workflows, Defining an Oozie workflowDefining an Oozie workflow
packaging and deploying workflow applications, Packaging and deploying an Oozie workflow application
running workflow job, Running an Oozie workflow job
Apache Parquet (see Parquet)
Apache Phoenix, ...

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