Chapter 19. Spark

Apache Spark is a cluster computing framework for large-scale data processing. Unlike most of the other processing frameworks discussed in this book, Spark does not use MapReduce as an execution engine; instead, it uses its own distributed runtime for executing work on a cluster. However, Spark has many parallels with MapReduce, in terms of both API and runtime, as we will see in this chapter. Spark is closely integrated with Hadoop: it can run on YARN and works with Hadoop file formats and storage backends like HDFS.

Spark is best known for its ability to keep large working datasets in memory between jobs. This capability allows Spark to outperform the equivalent MapReduce workflow (by an order of magnitude or more in some cases[128]), where datasets are always loaded from disk. Two styles of application that benefit greatly from Spark’s processing model are iterative algorithms (where a function is applied to a dataset repeatedly until an exit condition is met) and interactive analysis (where a user issues a series of ad hoc exploratory queries on a dataset).

Even if you don’t need in-memory caching, Spark is very attractive for a couple of other reasons: its DAG engine and its user experience. Unlike MapReduce, Spark’s DAG engine can process arbitrary pipelines of operators and translate them into a single job for the user.

Spark’s user experience is also second to none, with a rich set of APIs for performing many common data processing tasks, such as joins. At ...

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