Time for action – setting up the employee database

No discussion of databases is complete without the example of an employee table, so we will follow tradition and start there.

  1. Create a tab-separated file named employees.tsv with the following entries:
    Alice  Engineering  50000  2009-03-12
    BobSales  35000  2011-10-01
    Camille  Marketing  40000  2003-04-20
    David  Executive  75000  2001-03-20
    Erica  Support  34000  2011-07-07
  2. Connect to the MySQL server:
    $ mysql -u hadoopuser -p hadooptest
  3. Create the table:
    Mysql> create table employees(
    first_name varchar(10) primary key,
    dept varchar(15),
    salary int,
    start_date date
    ) ;
  4. Load the data from the file into the database:
    mysql> load data local infile '/home/garry/employees.tsv'
        -> into table employees
     -> fields terminated ...

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