Time for action – inserting the UFO data

Now that we have created a table, let us load the UFO data into it.

  1. Copy the UFO data file onto HDFS:
    $ hadoop fs -put ufo.tsv /tmp/ufo.tsv
  2. Confirm that the file was copied:
    $ hadoop fs -ls /tmp

    You will receive the following response:

    Found 2 items
    drwxrwxr-x   - hadoop supergroup          0 … 14:52 /tmp/hive-hadoop
    -rw-r--r--   3 hadoop supergroup   75342464 2012-03-03 16:01 /tmp/ufo.tsv
  3. Enter the Hive interactive shell:
    $ hive
  4. Load the data from the previously copied file into the ufodata table:
    hive> LOAD DATA INPATH '/tmp/ufo.tsv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE ufodata;

    You will receive the following response:

    Loading data to table default.ufodata
    Deleted hdfs://head:9000/user/hive/warehouse/ufodata
    Time taken: 5.494 seconds ...

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