Time for action – examining the output data with Ruby

Now that we have the output data from the job, let's examine it again using Ruby.

  1. Create the following as read.rb:
    require 'rubygems'
    require 'avro'
    file = File.open('res.avro', 'rb')
    reader = Avro::IO::DatumReader.new()
    dr = Avro::DataFile::Reader.new(file, reader)
    dr.each {|record|  
    print record["shape"]," ",record["count"],"\n"
  2. Examine the created result file.
    $ ruby read.rb
    blur 1
    cylinder 1
    diamond 2
    formation 1
    light 3
    saucer 1

What just happened?

As before, we'll not analyze the Ruby Avro API. The example created a Ruby script that opens an Avro datafile, iterates through each datum, and displays it based on explicitly named fields. Note that the script does not have access to ...

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