Time for action – capturing the output of a command to a flat file

Let's show this in action, along the way demonstrating a new kind of source as well.

  1. Create the following file as agent2.conf within the Flume working directory:
    agent2.sources = execsource agent2.sinks = filesink agent2.channels = filechannel agent2.sources.execsource.type = exec agent2.sources.execsource.command = cat /home/hadoop/message agent2.sinks.filesink.type = FILE_ROLL agent2.sinks.filesink.sink.directory = /home/hadoop/flume/files agent2.sinks.filesink.sink.rollInterval = 0 agent2.channels.filechannel.type = file agent2.channels.filechannel.checkpointDir = /home/hadoop/flume/fc/checkpoint agent2.channels.filechannel.dataDirs = /home/hadoop/flume/fc/data agent2.sources.execsource.channels ...

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