Time for action – importing data from Hadoop into MySQL

Let's demonstrate this by importing data into a MySQL table from an HDFS file.

  1. Create a tab-separated file named newemployees.tsv with the following entries:
    Frances  Operations  34000  2012-03-01
    Greg  Engineering  60000  2003-11-18
    Harry  Intern  22000  2012-05-15
    Iris  Executive  80000  2001-04-08
    Jan  Support  28500  2009-03-30
  2. Create a new directory on HDFS and copy the file into it:
    $hadoop fs -mkdir edata
    $ hadoop fs -put newemployees.tsv edata/newemployees.tsv
  3. Confirm the current number of records in the employee table:
    $ echo "select count(*) from employees" | 
    mysql –u hadoopuser –p hadooptest

    You will receive the following response:

    Enter password: 
  4. Run a Sqoop export:
    $ sqoop export ...

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