Time for action – exporting query output

We have previously either loaded large quantities of data into Hive or extracted very small quantities as query results. We can also export large result sets; let us look at an example.

  1. Recreate the previously used view:
    $ hive -f view.hql
  2. Create the following file as export.hql:
    SELECT reported, shape, state
    FROM usa_sightings
    WHERE state = 'California' ;
  3. Execute the script:
    $ hive -f export.hql

    You will receive the following response:

    2012-03-04 06:20:44,571 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%
    Ended Job = job_201203040432_0029
    Moving data to: /tmp/out
    7599 Rows loaded to /tmp/out
    MapReduce Jobs Launched: 
    Job 0: Map: 2 Reduce: 1 HDFS Read: 75416863 HDFS Write: 210901 SUCESS ...

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