18.5. Pulling it all together

We can summarize the steps involved to use a generator as the following:

  1. You write a Java class, SomeGeneratorClass, that extends the Generator class of the com.google.gwt.core.ext package. By convention this class will be in a rebind package.
  2. In a module file, you provide a <generate-with> tag that defines when the generator should be applied: <generate-with class="com.gwtbook.rebind.SomeGeneratorClass"> <when-type-is class="com.gwtbook.client.SomeType"/></replace-with>
  3. You define SomeTypeToBeGenerated, which will extend or implement a trigger type (an interface or class—let’s call it SomeType).
  4. You see, or use, the following code in a GWT application, which implies that a form of deferred binding is going ...

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