
The OBJECTPROPERTY() meta-data function supports a number of properties that relate to views. Table 9-1 summarizes them.

Table 9-1. View-Related OBJECTPROPERTY() Values
Property Function
ExecIsAnsiNullsOn Indicates whether ANSI_NULLS was on when the view was created or altered
ExecIsQuotedIdentOn Indicates whether QUOTED_IDENTIFIER was on when the view was created or altered
HasAfterTrigger Indicates whether the view has an AFTER trigger
HasInsertTrigger Indicates whether the view has an INSERT trigger
HasInsteadOfTrigger Indicates whether the view has an INSTEAD OF trigger
HasUpdateTrigger Indicates whether the view has an UPDATE trigger
IsAnsiNullsOn Indicates whether ANSI_NULLS was on when the view was created or altered (same as ...

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