Test your knowledge

  1. Which of the following methods is an asynchronous method declared in the Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq namespace that allows us to execute a query with an aggregate function to compute the total number of elements:
    1. AsCountQuery
    2. Count
    3. CountAsync
  2. Which of the following attributes specify Json.Net that we want to serialize an enum to its string representation:
    1. [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))]
    2. [JsonConverter(typeof(String))]
    3. [JsonConverter(typeof(EnumToString))]
  3. Which of the following methods executes a query to a Cosmos DB document collection with an asynchronous execution and returns a result set based on the MaxItemCount value specified in the FeedOptions instance:
    1. ExecuteNextAsync
    2. AsDocumentQuery

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