Leaders, Read This First

You are a leader charged with directing your company (or division) back to prosperity following what many have called a debilitating recession.

How will you inspire your people?

When will you start spending or investing capital again? Where will you spend that money?

What new tools and metrics do you need to be competitive—not only in your market—but in retaining and managing talent?

Is it true what you keep hearing, “This is the new normal”?

Who can you turn to for advice?

Humility aside, I'm one of the guys you should call. Throughout the recession—and now well into the recovery—I've spoken at more than 200 national and international business conferences. I've covered banking, manufacturing, insurance, high-tech, diverse services, pharmaceutical, retail, transportation, and government.

I was hired to reveal the research and cross-pollinated fresh practices I've unveiled at competing organizations. The results cast a spotlight on the innovative market share winners . . . as well as the lazy and unchanging has-beens.

Now that the new economy's flatline is starting to show encouraging blips of a strengthening pulse, skepticism and optimism are trying to establish wedded bliss by maintaining a compatible balance. Your stakeholders are in love with your drive and enthusiasm—but they want deliverables from you. Right here. Right now. If you get this right, the rewards will astound your spouse and your parents.

What you will read in this book is my hit list ...

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