[biblio32_01] Erleben, Kenny, Joe Sporring, Knud Henriksen, and Henrik Dohlmann. 2005. Physics-Based Animation. Charles River Media. See especially pp. 613–616.

[biblio32_02] Mirtich, Brian. 1996. “Impulse-Based Dynamic Simulation of Rigid Body Systems.” Ph.D. thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley.

[biblio32_03] Sedgewick, Robert. 1992. Algorithms in C++. Addison-Wesley. See especially pp. 133–144.

[biblio32_04] Witkin, A., and D. Baraff. 1997. “An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling: Rigid Body Simulation II—Nonpenetration Constraints.” SIGGRAPH 1997 Course 19.

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