
No man is an island and no book project was ever completed without help from a host of key people. First on the list is Courtney Allen, whose kind reminders and frequent contacts have made this book a reality. Close behind is Sarah Cisco who managed the production cycle and main editing. Sarah was tasked with asking the tough questions and finding solutions to those questions.

Thanks also to Lee Musick, who was in charge of technically editing the book and for making sure that what I said was at least close to the truth. Thanks also for the other editors, indexers, cover copy, CD production team, and the staff at Wiley for their efforts.

Thanks to the Google SketchUp development team for creating such a great product and for Tricia Stahr, who helped me get started with the new version.

Thanks, as always, to my wife, Angela and my two sons, Eric and Thomas, who I'm asking once again to please go to bed.

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