Find Out What Google Thinks ___ Is

What does Google think of you, your friends, your neighborhood, or your favorite movie?

If you’ve ever wondered what people think of your home town, your favorite band, your favorite snack food, or even you, Googlism ( may provide you with something useful.

The Interface

The interface is dirt simple. Enter your query and check the appropriate radio button to specify whether you’re looking for a who, a what, a where, or a when. Figure 5-32 shows a representative results page for Clive Sinclair, inventor of the Sinclair ZX-80 personal computer ( You can also use the tabs to see what other objects people are searching for and what searches are the most popular. A word of warning: some of these are not safe for work.

Googlism results for Clive Sinclair

Figure 5-32. Googlism results for Clive Sinclair

What You Get Back

Googlism will respond with a list of things Google believes about the query at hand, be it a person, place, thing, or moment in time. For example, a search for Perl and “What” returns, along with a laundry list of others:

Perl is a fairly straightforward
Perl is aesthetically pleasing
Perl is just plain fun

These are among the more humorous results for Steve Jobs and “Who”:

steve jobs is my new idol
steve jobs is at it again
steve jobs is apple's focus group

To figure out what page any particular statement ...

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