Icons Used in This Book

Unfortunately, we could not convince our editor to let us use an icon of a sumo wrestler wearing a tutu hurtling toward you on ice skates to indicate, “This paragraph makes absolutely no sense, but you should pay close attention to it, anyway.” So we stuck with the standard For Dummies icons.

image We hope our tips don't hurt as much as the one in the icon, but are just as sharp. We use this bull's-eye to flag concepts that can cut months from your AdWords learning curve.

image We use this icon to remind you to remove the string that's cutting off the circulation to your index finger. (What were you thinking?) Also, this icon highlights points and items that should be on your AdWords To-Do list. Little tasks that can prevent big problems later.

image We've heard too many stories of AdWords beginners turning on their campaigns, going to bed, and waking up to $16,000 craters in their credit cards. Okay, we've experienced those stories ourselves. We use the bomb icon when a little mistake can have big and nasty consequences.

image We might be less geeky than you are. We've learned ...

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