Split-testing for Improved CTR Only

Ads that generate a high click-through rate (CTR) can be wonderful. They attract more visitors to your site at lower cost, and rank higher than other ads bidding the same amount. They also teach you about your market's desires and fears.

But when you split-test two ads and choose the winner based solely on CTR, you are in danger of worshipping a false god. Understand that the AdWords game is based on one rule: Get more outputs for your inputs than anyone else. Okay, CTR is a key throughput — but leads, customers, and dollars are what you're after.

A mention of Paris Hilton in your ad text may generate a high CTR, but just like the old magazine ads with the four-inch red headline of the word “sex,” she may be attracting eyeballs belonging to nonbuyers. Remember that lots of clicks translate into lots of money for Google — not for you. Getting the right clicks is more important than getting lots of clicks.

image When you split-test your ads, make sure you run conversion reports and don't rely on CTR alone.

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