About the Author

Howie Jacobson, PhD, has been an Internet marketing strategist since 1999. He specializes in helping clients use Google AdWords to grow their businesses. Because he was forced to study statistical methods in graduate school, Jacobson took to direct marketing as soon as he tripped over it in 2001.

He is the creator of the AdWords Ball, AdWords Checkmate, and Traffic Surge programs. He also runs the Ring of Fire AdWords coaching club.

Jacobson has presented at several System Seminar events, at Perry Marshall's AdWords Seminar, Agora's Early to Rise conferences, and at workshops and seminars around the world. He is a regular contributor to HorsesMouth.com, a performance-improvement site for financial advisors, as well as a former writer for Vault.com. He leads telephone seminars on beginner and advanced AdWords topics and provides online coaching and support at his Web site, www.askhowie.com.

Jacobson also runs www.loweryourbidprice.com, a company that produces software tools that help AdWords advertisers and AdWords consultants save time, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Luckily for you, Jacobson began his career as a schoolteacher. Through trial by fire, he learned how to be engaging, clear, and entertaining while providing value and motivating results. He is also a business coach and trainer, skilled in turning learning into action, helping his own clients and a horde of others in association with Bregman Partners, Inc., and The Avoca Group.

Jacobson combines his ...

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