How it works...

Verify whether the Docker container has been created and is running successfully by executing the following command:

$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f2ec80f82056 mysql:latest "" 8 seconds ago Up 6 seconds>3306/tcp mysql-container

Inspecting the my-bridge-network again will show us the mysql-container details in the Containers section, as follows:

$ docker network inspect my-bridge-network[  {    "Name": "my-bridge-network",    "Id": "325bca66cc2ccb98fb6044b1da90ed    4b6b0f29b54c4588840e259fb7b6505331",    "Scope": "local",    "Driver": "bridge",    "EnableIPv6": false,    "IPAM":     {      "Driver": "default",      "Options": {},      "Config":       [        {          "Subnet": "", "Gateway": "" ...

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