How to do it...

  1. Install the package using the go get command, as follows:
$ go get
  1. Move to $GOPATH/src/my-first-beego-project/filters and create firstfilter.go, which runs before the Controller, and log the IP address and current timestamp, as follows:
package filters import (  "fmt"  "time"  "")var LogManager = func(ctx *context.Context) {   fmt.Println("IP :: " + ctx.Request.RemoteAddr + ",   Time :: " + time.Now().Format(time.RFC850))}
  1. Move to $GOPATH/src/my-first-beego-project/routers and edit router.go to add the GET mapping /*, which will be handled by the LogManager filter, as follows:
package routers import ( "my-first-beego-project/controllers" ...

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