How to do it...

  1. Create a reactjs-client directory where we will keep all our ReactJS source files and an HTTP server, as follows:
$ mkdir reactjs-client && cd reactjs-client && touch server.go
  1. Copy the following code to server.go:
package mainimport (  "encoding/json"  "log"  "net/http"  "")const (  CONN_HOST = "localhost"  CONN_PORT = "8080")type Route struct {  Name string  Method string  Pattern string  HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc}type Routes []Routevar routes = Routes{  Route  {    "getEmployees",    "GET",    "/employees",    getEmployees,  },  Route  {    "addEmployee",    "POST",    "/employee/add",    addEmployee,  },}type Employee struct {  Id string `json:"id"`  FirstName string `json:"firstName"`  LastName string `json:"lastName"`}type Employees ...

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