How to do it…

  1. Open the console and create the folder chapter01/recipe04.
  2. Navigate to the directory.
  1. Create the get.go file with the following content:
        package main        import (          "log"          "os"        )        func main() {          connStr := os.Getenv("DB_CONN")          log.Printf("Connection string: %s\n", connStr)        }
  1. Execute the code by calling DB_CONN=db:/user@example && go run get.go in the Terminal.
  2. See the output in the Terminal:
  1. Create the lookup.go file with the following content:
        package main        import (          "log"          "os"        )        func main() {          key := "DB_CONN"              connStr, ex := os.LookupEnv(key)          if !ex {            log.Printf("The env variable %s is not set.\n", key)          }          fmt.Println(connStr) ...

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