Combining all three implementations

To close this chapter with a bang, we will implement a mechanism in which each Avatar implementation takes a turn in trying to get a URL for a user. If the first implementation returns the ErrNoAvatarURL error, we will try the next and so on until we find a useable value.

In avatar.go, underneath the Avatar type, add the following type definition:

type TryAvatars []Avatar 

The TryAvatars type is simply a slice of Avatar objects that we are free to add methods to. Let's add the following GetAvatarURL method:

func (a TryAvatars) GetAvatarURL(u ChatUser) (string, error) { 
  for _, avatar := range a { 
    if url, err := avatar.GetAvatarURL(u); err == nil { 
      return url, nil 
  return "", ErrNoAvatarURL 

This means that

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