
Now let's look at how the data for the house prices are distributed:

func hist(a []float64) (*plot.Plot, error){  h, err := plotter.NewHist(plotter.Values(a), 10)  if err != nil {    return nil, err  }  p, err := plot.New()  if err != nil {    return nil, err  }  h.Normalize(1)  p.Add(h)  return p, nil}

This section is added to the main function:

hist, err := plotHist(YsBack)mHandleErr(err)hist.Title.Text = "Histogram of House Prices"mHandleErr(hist.Save(25*vg.Centimeter, 25*vg.Centimeter, "hist.png"))

The following diagram is:

Histogram of House prices

As can be noted, the histogram of the prices is a little skewed. Fortunately, we can fix that by ...

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