
In this section, I shall explain a modified form of the Holt-Winters exponential smoothing algorithm, which is quite useful for forecasting. Holt-Winters is a fairly simple algorithm. Here it is:

func hw(a stl.Result, periodicity, forward int, alpha, beta, gamma float64) []float64 {  level := make([]float64, len(a.Data))  trend := make([]float64, len(a.Trend))  seasonal := make([]float64, len(a.Seasonal))  forecast := make([]float64, len(a.Data)+forward)  copy(seasonal, a.Seasonal)  for i := range a.Data {    if i == 0 {      continue    }    level[i] = alpha*a.Data[i] + (1-alpha)*(level[i-1]+trend[i-1])    trend[i] = beta*(level[i]-level[i-1]) + (1-beta)*(trend[i-1])    if i-periodicity < 0 {      continue    } seasonal[i] = gamma*(a.Data[i]-level[i-1]-trend[i-1]) ...

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