
And now we come to the final part—in order to compare models, we would like to cross-validate the model. We've already set aside a portion of the data. Now, we will have to test the model on the data that was set aside, and compute a score.

The score we'll be using is a Root Mean Square Error. It's used because it's simple and straightforward to understand:

  // VERY simple cross validation  var MSE float64  for i, row := range testingSet {    pred, err := r.Predict(row)    mHandleErr(err)    correct := testingYs[i]    eStar := correct - pred    e2 := eStar * eStar    MSE += e2  }  MSE /= float64(len(testingSet))  fmt.Printf("RMSE: %v\n", math.Sqrt(MSE))

With this, now we're really ready to run the regression analysis.

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