Handling non-standard data

Parsing the data is a piece of cake with only the standard library:

func parse(l loader) (dates []string, co2s []float64) {  s := bufio.NewScanner(l())  for s.Scan() {    row := s.Text()    if strings.HasPrefix(row, "#") {      continue    }    fields := strings.Fields(row)    dates = append(dates, fields[2])    co2, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[4], 64)    dieIfErr(err)    co2s = append(co2s, co2)  }  return}

The parsing function takes a loader, which when called, returns a io.Reader. We then wrap the io.Reader in a bufio.Scanner. Recall that the format is not standard. There are some things that we want and some things we don't. The data however is in a fairly consistent format—we can use the standard library functions to filter the ones we ...

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